20's-30's Tribe - End of the Week Drinks Friendship Series
14 October 2022 at 6:00:00 am
If you're keen on a ready-made Tribe of girlfriends, and a social calendar you're excited about, join your fellow Tribe Gals for 4-months of meet n' greets you'll love! Come & make new friends as you sip some wine, order a meal and chat n' laugh with your fellow 20's-30's Tribe as you experience a

If you've been watching your newsfeed it can sometimes feel like mostly everyone has lots of wonderful friends they're hanging out with, while doing fun stuff. That'll soon be you!
Come and make some wonderful new friends of a ready-made social calendar as you join your very-own Tribe of 20's gals during this fun, friendly, 'friendship series', you'll love 🙂
Hosted by Kate Wilson, you'll join up to 14 of your fellow Tribe Gals during these monthly, 'End of the Week Drinks where you'll make new friends and have some fun!
Your membership fee means you're securing your place into a ready-made Tribe of local gals who're each keen to meet, greet and arrange hang-outs inside your own, Messenger Chat Group. Plus, your membership fee means you can attend as many of the monthly friendlship events as you like. What makes this group super-special is everyone you meet, at every Tribe Event, is there to make new friends too.
You'll love it!
Friendship Series -Event Details ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- After Work Drinks - Friday, 14th October 7pm, Speights Ale House
- After Work Drinks - Friday 11th November 7pm, The Sail & Anchor Bar & Cafe
- After Work Drinks - Friday, 2nd December 7pm, Speights Ale House
- After Work Drinks - Friday, TBA January 7pm, The Sail & Anchor Bar & Cafe
Tickets: $37 membership
Nervous you won't know anyone?
Fair enough and, as all Tribe events are designed to be attended solo, you'll be in very safe hands.
Friendship Guarantee
Don't click with the other gals? Your first event is entirely free!! If you go along to the first event in the series and think 'oooops, not my people' drop us an email within 24 hours and we'll transfer your membership fee to another series, or offer you a full refund, no questions asked!
Collect your ticket now for more detailed 20's-30's Tribe - End of the Week Drinks Friendship Series information.
Enjoy!! 🙂