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50+ Gals - Ladies, Let's Lunch!

26 August 2023 at 12:30:00 am

If you'd like to 'find your tribe', come and meet some lovely new people over a scrumptious ladies-lunch at Nourish in Te Puna. 🥰

50+ Gals - Ladies, Let's Lunch!

Hosted by the very lovely Lisa Hopping - You'll get outta the house, meet some lovely new people and have a scrumptious ladies lunch to look forward to - 

How The Tribe Works

Making new friends as an adult can be hard. The Tribe makes it easy! For 8 years the Tribe has been bringing NZ women together during hundreds of friendship events hosted from Christchurch to Wangarei. Now you can join the fun.

Nervous Going on Your Own?

Don't be! In fact, that's what makes Tribe Events so special - They're designed to be attended solo. 

Wanna car-pool?

Great! Sign up now and get yourself connected with the other gals via your very-own, Messenger Chat group.

Membership: $14.95 

** Please note - Event costs not included.


Membership tickets do not cover your event costs & rather: 

  • $14.95 - Attend the final hoorah for this fabulous friendship series
  • $199- Annual Tribe Membership - Unlimited RSVP fees for a year - Event costs not included. 

Not Sure Why You're Being Charged Or Who Receives the Money?

Learn more about how the Tribe works here

Enjoy!!! 😘

To freely RSVP to friendship events, click the button below to choose your membership.

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