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30+ Inner City Walks: Let's Go Exploring!

25 November 2023 at 9:00:00 pm

If you're keen to get out n' about during some Sunday morning, inner-city walks, this 30+ Tribe Gals 'Explorers' Friendship Series is for you! You'll meet new people while exploring fabulous walks you've always wanted to experience but until now, haven't had anyone to do them with! 😁

30+ Inner City Walks: Let's Go Exploring!

This 'Let's Go Exploring!' friendship series is perfect for anyone with a pair of walking shoes and an adventurous spirit! Come and explore a selection of hand-picked,  inner city walks, with a tribe of like-minded new friends to chat with you along the way. 

Hosted by your fellow Tribe Gal Jessica Romine, sign yourself up now for this gorgeous,  4 months friendship series you'll love. 

Designed for both inner, and outer-city Tribe Gals who'll enjoy exploring  some of Aucklands inner city walks, whether you're living in town yourself, or simply keen to explore aspects of our fine city you might not have  seen before.

Designed to be a short, 1-1.5 hr commitment if you're busy that day or, if you've the time, join everyone  for a cuppa and catchup together afterward as well. 

Nervous you won't know anyone?

Tribe events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet is there to make new friends too.

Event Details:

Hosted on Sundays, 10am, on these dates and venues:

Please note - Event Costs  not included.

Enjoy 😘

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