Beer Babes in the Park
4 March 2022 at 10:00:00 pm
Come and enjoy a super-fun Saturday afternoon while sampling a range of everyone's favourite beers during 'Beer Babes'.

If you’d like to find your 'beer-loving tribe,' come and make new friends while enjoying a super-fun, 'Girls Day Out' while meeting, greeting, and you guessed it, drinking beer!
Enjoy your Saturday with your fellow beer babes as you enjoy your day in the iconic Victoria Park while you listen to some fine tunes and drink your beer from some of the best Craft Breweries, Local Wineries, Street Food, and Music that NZ has to offer.
Steps to attend:
Step #1 - Follow the link here to pick up your Beers In The Park event tickets (starting from $34pp)
Step #2 - Purchase your Tribe $5 RSVP tickets so you, and your fellow Tribe Gals, can head along together and enjoy a super-fun, super-friendly, 'Girls Day Out' you'll love!
Nervous you won't know anyone? Good news, Tribe Events are designed to be attended solo because what makes them special is everyone you meet, at every Tribe event, is there to make new friends too. You'll love it!
What to Expect:
- Meet your lovely host, Elise Elizabeth Churchill @ 10:45 am
- Festival gates are open from 11am – 7pm.
- Please be prepared to show your valid ID. Beers in the Park is a restricted event. We are able to accept a New Zealand
Driver’s License, a New Zealand or Foreign Passport, Kiwi Access card, or a HANZ 18+ card as identification.
- No animals, furniture (this includes picnic chairs), and children allowed
Please note - All bags are subject to inspection at any point during the Festival. Bottles, cans, glass, food, drink, alcohol, illicit drugs, illegal substances, fireworks, explosives, or anything that can be used as a weapon cannot be brought into the Festival.