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Brunch Club!

Morning is always to the best time to get yourself moving so come and make some lovely new friends over a fine meal and some even finer conversation!

Brunch Club!

If you'd like to make new friends ladies, let's brunch!

Come and meet other Tribe Gals during a delicious, Tribe Gals exclusive brunch, at Super, a gorgeous, modern cafe you'll love!

If you're feeling a little nervous you won't know anyone remember, we're each in exactly the same boat and good news, every Tribe event is designed to be attended solo because that's the whole point right?! To get out n' about while meeting new people and doing new things!

You'll find us pretty easily as we'll be the noisy, smiling table of women but, if you're one of the first to arrive, ask at the counter for 'find your tribe'.

See you there!

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