Off-Lead Dog Walks
20 April 2024 at 11:00:00 pm
If you're keen to take Rover for some great, off the lead, Sunday morning walks, this one's for you. You'll have a ready-made tribe of lovely new people to chat with you along the way as you get your Sundays off to a great start with girl-time that's good for you.

Hosted monthly, on a Sunday morning, you'll get a healthy dose of fresh air and smile-er-size while enjoying dog-friendly walks you & Rover will love!
Perfect for everyone, whether you've a dog of your own, or not.
Hosted by Rebecca Brosnahan - You'll explore a variety of beautiful walks in/around our beautiful city.
Nervous you won't know anyone?
Don't be. Tribe Events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet, at every Tribe Event is there to make new friends, just like you!
Keen to Car Pool?
When registering you'll select if you're keen to get a ride, or take other gals along, so you can collaborate with the other gals and get you there with the minimum of fuss.
Event Details:
Hosted every 3rd Sunday for 4 months, 11am -
- 21st April - Sumner Beach
- 19th May - Halswall Quarry
- 16th June - Naval Point to Pony Point
- 21st July - New Brighton - Surf Life Saving to the North New Brighton Surf Club
Please note - Free RSVP for Tribe Members; Event Costs not included.
Enjoy 😘