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Creative Tribe - Let's Get Friended!

18 May 2023 at 7:00:00 am

Transform your social calendar with a creative gals meet n' greet every month, for 7 months! Open to Tribe Gals of any age who're keen to get out there, try new creative things, meet new people, and have lotsa fun in the process 😊

Creative Tribe - Let's Get Friended!

If you're keen to 'find your tribe' of creative-loving Tribe Gals this fun, friendship-series is for you! You'll have a ready-made Tribe of lovely new friends to enjoy a variety of creative activities with over 7 months of  workshops, tours and art-talks you'll love! 

This friendship series is open to all ages and jam-packed with all those things you love to do but until now, haven't had anyone to do them with.   

Nervous you won't know anyone?

Tribe events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet, at every Tribe event, is there to make new friends too! 🥰

Creative Gals Friendship Series Dates/Times/ Details:

  1. Drink and draw Mt Eden - Thursday, 18th May, 7pm
  2. Drink and draw Mt Eden - Thursday, 15th June, 7pm
  3. Having a go at Throwing on a wheel Captain Springs Rd, Onehunga - Sunday, 9th July, 1:30pm
  4. Tufting DIY Session - TBA
  5. Art in the Park -  7th Thursday September
  6. Spring Photography Walk - TBA Date - $79.00 - $99.00
  7. Last Hurrah - Poetry Night/Glass Blowing/ Silver Smithing - Let's decide together


Please note: Your membership tickets enable you to attend Tribe Events but your event costs are your own.

Your Tribe Membership Options are as Follows:

  • $9.95 - 1-off ticket option :-) 
  • $49 - you can attend as many as you like in this series
  • $199- Annual Tribe Membership - Attend unlimited Tribe Events for a year - Have your choice of any/all Tribe Events for 12-months.

This is a relaxed and uninstructed life drawing session. The cost is $15 to cover the model and the venue. Students and pensioners can pay $10. The session includes 4 x 1min poses followed by 4 x 3min poses and then 3 x 20min poses with breaks in between. We like to keep the drawing class very relaxed with appropriate conversation while drawing.

  • Bring your own drawing equipment and paper. 
  • If you arrive late and the door is locked, please come around to the back and enter through the kitchen.
  • This event is also BYO (Bring your own booze, responsibly).
  • Host will meet you outside the main entrance at 6:45

Not Sure Why You're Being Charged Or Who Receives the Money?

Fair enough!! Chances are you're one of our gorgeous Tribe Newbies.

Learn more about how the Tribe works here

Collect your Creative Tribe membership by completing the registration form below and check your inbox for your next steps.

Enjoy!!! 😘

To freely RSVP to friendship events, click the button below to choose your membership.

Already have a membership?

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