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Girls Dinner Out - Mockingbird

2 October 2021 at 6:00:00 am

If you'd like to make some lovely new friends, come and join us at Dinner & Drinks! You'll enjoy a selection of delectable plant-based meals, full bar and ripper wine list!!

Girls Dinner Out - Mockingbird

If you'd like to meet new people, sup scrumptious wine and taste delectable whole-food, plant-based fare, come and join us for dinner & drinks @Mockingbird! 

Prepare yourself for fabulous girl-chats, an amazing wine-list and a delicious wholefood menu you'll love! 

If you're feeling a little nervous you won't know anyone, stop that! 

Tribe Events are designed to be attended solo because that's the whole point - To meet new people while trying new things!


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