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Saturday Morning Yoga & Coffee & Catchup
15 May 2021 at 4:45:00 pm

If you'd like to make some lovely new friends, come and stretch your body (and your comfy zones!) during a Saturday morning yoga class, followed by a cuppa n' catchup over a delicious coffee &/or brunch.
This is the perfect event for Newbies, whether you're a yoga beginner or a seasoned expert.
We'll meet outside Grassroots Yoga Studio at 9:45am to say hello before we head inside. Yoga starts at 10:00am and costs $22. Mats are available to use from the studio if you don't have one. We'll head over to Penny Black afterward for a cuppa and snack.
To keep the Tribe Vibe we ask no +1's please (unless they've RSVP'd through the Tribe).
See you there and, if you've any questions I'd love to hear from you here:
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