The E-Ride Tribe
12 January 2024 at 9:00:00 pm
Come and meet some lovely new people while getting some smiler-size, fresh air and hopefully, some sunshine!

If you'll enjoy making some lovely new friends during a social e-bike ride with 'the girls', this gorgeous friendship meetup is for you!
If you've got an e-bike, or are just keen to spend some time in the saddle, come and 'find your bike-tribe' during an all-levels bike ride every month.
Hosted by Steph Christensen, the intention is to 'get on your bike' and enjoy yourself. This is not a race and you don't need to be an expert and rather is all about having some fun, meeting some lovely new people, and getting some gal-time that's good for you.
Nervous you won't know anyone?
Tribe events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet is there to make new friends too.
Event Details:
13th January, Saturday, 10:00 am - Historic Village to the Lakes and back - Brunch/coffee in the Lakes
Please note - Event Costs not included.
Enjoy 😘