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The Walking Club - Godley Head Track
18 February 2022 at 9:30:00 pm
If you'll enjoy making some lovely new friends join us for a fun walk along the Godley Head Track, and enjoy the wonderful views, exceptional company and of coarse, the girl-chats 🙂

Come and make some lovely new friends while getting your weekly nature dose during a friendly walk to Boulder Bay.
What to expect - Allow about 3 hrs for walking and talking from Taylors toward Godley Head and from there, on to Boulder Bay - and back. This is a meandering stroll and is suitable for mostly everyone
Nervous you won't know anyone? Tribe Events are designed to be attended solo because, what makes Tribe Events special is everyone you meet, at every Tribe event, is there to make new friends too.
You'll love it!
Enjoy 🙂
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