Tribal Trivia - 40's-50's Gals - Pub Quiz Tribe
21 November 2022 at 6:00:00 am
If you're keen to 'find your tribe' this fun, 'friendship series' is perfect if you'll enjoy melding-minds with your fellow Tribe Gals during fortnightly, pub quizzes at Good Neighbour in Rototuna.

If you'd like some lovely new friends join Karen Creighton and your fellow, '40's-50's Tribe Gals', during a 2-month friendship series jammed with all those things you love to do but, until now, haven't had anyone to do them with 😊
By signing up, you'll instantly have a tribe of new friends to hang out with because your confirmation email includes your how-to guide on connecting with your new tribe so you can arrange meet n' greets, zoom chats or spontaneous, 'who-wants-to?' girly gatherings, you'll love.
Your $37 1-off, 'membership fee' means you'll have a like-minded tribe of new friends to connect with in your very own, 'Messenger Chat Group' plus, you can pick n' choose from any/all of the wonderful friendship events below 🥳
- Tribe Gals Pub Quiz - Monday, 21st November, 7pm
- Tribe Gals Pub Quiz - Monday, 5th December, 7pm
- Tribe Gals Pub Quiz - Monday, 19th December, 7pm
You'll have a ready-made Tribe of up to 14 new friends to hang out with AND a social calendar you're excited about 🤗
Nervous you won't know anyone?
Good news! Tribe events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet is there to make new friends too.
Worried you won't click with the other gals?
If, at any point you think, 'oooops, not my people' you're welcome to transfer to another friendship series**, or receive a full refund, no questions asked!
Not Sure Why You're Being Charged Or Who Receives the Money?
Fair enough!! Chances are you're one of our gorgeous Tribe Newbies.
Learn more about how the Tribe works here
Collect your Pub Quiz Tribe membership by completing the registration form below and check your inbox for your next steps.
Enjoy!!! 😘
** Must be a friendship series of the same value, or an additional membership fee may be required