Destination Cafe Meetup: Let's Go Out For Dessert!
21 January 2024 at 1:00:00 am
If you're a fan of good, honest, 'girl-chats', this friendship meetup is for you! You'll make lovely new friends as you de-stress and defrag life's ups and downs over either a cuppa or a drink and of course, cake! 🥰

If you'd like to meet some lovely new people, join Nicola Aitken and a tribe of fabulous new girlfriends, during a delightful afternoon meetup you'll love. 😊
Nicola is a late 30's mother of 2, whose really keen to meet people of all ages. The plan is to meet for desserts at Cafe Irresistiblue - a charming coffee haven! With delicious brews and tempting pastries, the friendly atmosphere and tasty treats make it a must-visit spot.
Relax, unwind, destress and re-connect with both yourself, and some lovely new people.
Nervous Coming Along on Your Own?
Everyone does! But the good news? Everyone else is on her own too - It sure makes for a super-friendly Tribe vibe you'll love!
Event Details:
- 21st January, Sunday, 2-4 pm - Cafe Irresistiblue
Please note - Event Costs not included.
Enjoy 😘