Walk, Talk and Picnic
If you'd like to meet some fabulous new people while getting your nature fix and a wee dose of exercise and hopefully, some sunshine, come and join us!

If you'd like to 'find your tribe,' come and meet your fellow Tribe gals, during a fabulous, Tribe Girls outing to Kakamatua Inlet. Prepare for good times and great girl-chats because, what makes Tribe Events special is everyone you meet, at every Tribe event, is there to make new friends too.
You'll love it!
Hosted at the Kakamatua Inlet, you'll be able to bring your 4-legged friends as you enjoy a casual walk n' talk, with a picnic, and for those who'll enjoy it, a Spring dip in the water 🙂
If you're worried you won't know anyone, worry not. All Tribe Events are designed to be attended solo so you can meet new friends which means this will likely be the friendliest outing ever!
PLEASE NOTE - We'll assess the weather a couple of days beforehand and shall be in touch if we need to postpone. To ensure you receive the postponement message, please send Sarah, Tribe Founder, a 'keep me in the loop' message here: https://www.facebook.com/FIndYourNZTribe/.