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🚀 Big news, Ms Hostess With the Mostess! We’re shaking things up and taking Find Your Tribe to the next level—we’re becoming a not-for-profit! 🎉

This means more impact, more connection, and more ways to bring amazing women together across Aotearoa but we don’t want to do this without YOU!

💡 Tell us what you'd like to see more of, less of, and everything in between. Fill out this quick questionnaire and help us shape the future of Find Your Tribe.

Let’s build something epic—together. 💛

Host Questionnaire

Please note that NO personal information (such as your name or email) is required, and all questions are optional. 🙂

Which geographic area are you most closely associated with?

Bay of Plenty

What is your age group?


With 5 as best, how would you rate your overall experience as a Tribe host?


What motivated you to become a host?

(Please focus on your experience as a woman looking for new contacts or experiences, not professionally.)

Select all that apply

How can we make hosting easier for you?

Did you feel adequately supported as a host?

Single choice

What additional resources or support would make hosting easier for you?

What feedback have you received about the cost of events?

Select the option that is most true in your experience.

Which of these pricing models do you think would work best?

Select your preferred option:
1-off event tickets
A monthly subscription to get unlimited events.
Purchasing a multi-event pass for a specific ‘Friendship Series' so you can attend your choice of monthly events over a 4–6 month period.
Members can choose to donate either $5, $10, or $15 per event

How likely are you to host Tribe events in 2025?

Very Likely
Not very likely

What event ideas do you have, and what support would you need to make them happen?

Do you have any suggestions for improving what we do or how we do it?

What is your favourite social media platform to stay in the Tribe loop?

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