20's-40's Tribe - Eats & Drinks Social Mixer
9 January 2024 at 5:00:00 am
If you're keen to 'find your tribe', join your fellow, '20's -40's Tribe Gals' as you meet to shizz up your social life alongside a ready-made tribe of fabulous new friends.

If you're new to town, been sitting at home for too long, or just keen to meet some fabulous new people, this Drinks & Eats social mixer is for you!
Join your host Dorz Reddy (Doreen) as you meet some fabulous, like-minded new friends, while having some super-fun drinks & eats with the gals.
About Your Host
Dorz has been hosting Tribe Events since she joined the Tribe nearly 3 years ago. Her events are always sell-out and some amazing, forever friends have been created. Keen to find your tribe?! Sign yourself up for good times, great company and spectacular gals-nights-out!
You'll love it.
Nervous Coming Along on Your Own?
Tribe events are designed to be attended solo. In fact, we have a strict 'no +1's' policy because everyone you meet, at every Tribe Event is there to make new friends too. You'll love it!
Event Details:
- Eats & Drinks @ Fat Eddie's, 9th January, 6pm
Please note: Event costs not included.
Enjoy!!! 😘