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Wellington Gals: Sunday Lunches

7 April 2024 at 12:00:00 am

If you've seen a group of girlfriends, chatting and laughing over their Sunday lunch, that'll soon be you! Come & find 'your' tribe over 4-months of monthly, ladies lunches. Hosted at handpicked venues, you'll meet local gals over great food, awesome coffee and spectacular company! 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽

Wellington Gals: Sunday Lunches

Join your fellow Tribe gals as you meet & greet over a scrumptious Sunday lunch.

Hosted at 12:00pm so you've got time for a little sleep in and still an afternoon to enjoy. Sign up now for 4-months of monthly, 'Sunday lunches' you'll love.

Nervous you won't know anyone?

Don't be! Tribe events are designed to be attended solo because everyone you meet is there to make new friends too.

Keen to Car Pool?

When registering you'll select if you're keen to get a ride, or take other gals along, so you can collaborate with the other gals and get you there with the minimum of fuss.

Event Details:

Hosted on Sundays from 12pm:

Please note - Free RSVP for Tribe Members; Event Costs not included.

Enjoy 😘

To freely RSVP to friendship events, click the button below to choose your membership.

Already have a membership?

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